Following the Failsafe elimination diet. Two parents, three boys, one Thermomix, four weeks. What will the result be?

Friday 11 May 2012


I'm given myself about a week to get ready.

F-Day is a three sleeps away and I'm getting there. We've got pear muffins and bread in the freezer, I have contacted a local butcher who specialises in supplying organic, grass-fed meat for people with allergies and intolerances. I've menu planned the week's breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks (menu plan to come).

Still on the to-do list is pear jam, pear ketchup, rolled oat bars and Magic Cordial for a treat. All these recipes are from Sue Dengate's The Failsafe Cookbook. I'll share them and any tweaks I make along the way.

The biggest part for me is transitioning from a wholefoods, fruit and vegetable based diet. The idea of the boys not having any 'real' vegies just worries me. The vegies that are allowed are not overly popular here - cabbage, brussel sprouts, leeks etc. Oh, green beans are ok. Thank goodness!!! The boys love them to dip into cream cheese or hommus.

Fruit is going to be a massive issue for the boys. They eat ridiculous amounts of fruit and being restricted to two pears a day will really cramp their style.

I'm hoping Master 5 will be ok at school, he won't have much choice apart from what is in his lunchbox but Master 3 being at home all day ... oh that is a whole other story. I'm going to have to keep him very busy and distracted!!!

As for the extra cooking, well, it will be minimal for me. I already make all our own bread, biscuits, muffins, school lunches, dinners etc etc. It is more changing the ingredients I use rather than what I make. No honey, no wholemeal flour, no raw sugar, no dried fruit, no nuts, no coconut oil, no seeds or whole grains, no vegetables, no brown rice etc etc.

And as far is shopping is concerned, it seems to be finding different brands of things that are additive free. For instance, Aldi Milk Arrowroot biscuits are full of additives and are not Failsafe, yet Arnott's brand are.

I'm sure we'll get there. I'm sure there will be rocky days and easy days.

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