Following the Failsafe elimination diet. Two parents, three boys, one Thermomix, four weeks. What will the result be?

Friday 4 May 2012

A Bit of Background

So, the first post and I think a bit of background and stage setting is needed.

We are a young family of five, Mum, Dad, Master 5, Master 3 and Master Almost-One. Yes, three boys! Life is busy, chaotic, cuddly, noisy, rough, affectionate and tumble! Most of the time I love it, sometimes it drives me bonkers!

Our kids have always been ... interesting. Loving, amazing, lights-of-our-lives but interesting none the less.

Master 5 is the king of routine, he knows exactly what needs to be done when and if there is even the slightest change to the norm he'll let you know about it. He's a smart little guy, just started school, but has a tendency to daydream and not get stuff done. He likes doing what he likes doing but if there's something else to do, well no thanks.

Master 3 is just one jumping, rolling, bumbling, loud bundle of boy. As a baby he never (literally, never) slept. If he slept for more than an hour at a time it was a rare occasion that left Mr Failsafe and I wondering if he was still breathing. He's still not a great sleeper, but we do have the occasional sleep through perhaps even in his own bed! Why walk if he can run? Why use normal speaking volume if he can yell?

Master 1 (well, almost one, he's one is 3 weeks) is just a delight, almost walking, almost talking, almost sleeping, almost almost almost. He follows his big brothers around with a look of determination that belies his teeny tiny size.

And us? Mr and Mrs Failsafe? Mr Failsafe is a mid-thirties professional, working long yet flexible hours in an office in the big smoke. Mrs Failsafe is an early thirties ex-teacher, stay at home mum, trainee breastfeeding counsellor with the ABA. Life is busy!

Tomorrow I'll post a bit about why we are going Failsafe and why now!

Thanks for coming on this journey with us!


  1. Hi Vic, I look forward to your recipes and blog. We share interests, even the ABA which I have just left after being a member (and group helper) for about 12 years. All the best from frillypants x

    1. Thanks!!! I'm looking forward to the journey, should be an interesting one! Yay for ABA!!! Vic xx

  2. Hi Vic,
    I've just started the failsafe journey and have children same ages, plus am nearly finished my breastfeeding counsellor course for ABA. Thinking about buying a thermomix. Looking forward to your recipes aswell

    1. Thanks Nat! Wow, so many ABAers! Lovely! I've only just started my training so a ways to go yet! Good work being nearly finished! I'd definitely recommend a TMX if you can afford it. It makes life so much easier making yummy for for the kids! Vic xx

  3. Nat... think quick! TMX is available 12-month interest-free at the moment. But not for long and I think they only do this once per year? (No, I'm not a sales consultant.)
